Saturday, June 14, 2025
Greens on Tenth | 953 10th St, Modesto
6:00 – 10:00 PM (Doors open at 5:30 PM)
A Legacy of Learning: 30 Years of Lives Changed and Futures Rewritten
For 30 years, LearningQuest has empowered Stanislaus County through literacy, helping individuals overcome educational challenges and acheive their goals through the transformative power of literacy. This milestone event also honors the retirement of our beloved director, Karen Williams, whose leadership has shaped LearningQuest’s success. This special event supports LearningQuest’s mission of providing free, life-changing services to individuals in need. By coming together, we continue to make a meaningful impact, changing lives every day through literacy.

Sponsorship Opportunities
Platinum Sponsorship- $10,000
Table for 10
Full page ad in LQ Legacy publication
Name & logo in promo materials, menu card, and LQ website
Prominent event display & Impact Magazine recognition
Acknowledgement at graduation, parades & other events
6 bottles premium wine
Silver Sponsorship- $2,500
Table for 10
1/4-pg. ad in LQ Legacy publication
Name & logo in promo materials, invitations, menu card, and event display
Recognition on LQ website & in Impact Magazine
2 bottles premium wine
Gold Sponsorship- $5,000
Table for 10
1/2-pg. ad in LQ Legacy publication
Name & logo in promo materials, invitations, menu card, and event display
Recognition on LQ website & Impact Magazine
3 bottles premium wine
Table - $1,500
Table for 10
Recognition on LQ website & in Impact Magazine
Name & logo on menu card
2 bottles premium wine